Actions on Google Sound Effects Library

Sound Effects Library for use with Actions on Google

You can use these sounds to enhance the user experience and increase the polish of your actions. Google hosts these sounds for you, so all you need to do is reference the URL for the sound in the src attribute of an SSML <audio> element.

These sound effects are also published in the YouTube Audio Library, which includes a search and player interface. If you need to search or play a sound, go there and find the sound you need.

The copy here will have the same title and has a URL in the pattern in which category and title have been lowercased and non-word characters removed.

Terms and Conditions

Your use of this sound library (including the music files in this library) is subject to the Actions on Google Terms of Service. Sounds and music from this library are intended solely for use by you in Actions that you create.

By downloading music from this library, you agree that you will not:

Sound Effect URL